Saka Mese Maluku wishes all Moluccans, everywhere in the world, especially our loyal fighters in our homeland: : a blessed 72nd anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of the South Moluccas.
Let’s keep moving hand in hand together. As it is done in our culture: one supports the other, one shows respect for the other, we take care of each other, regardless of our different religions, island or village of origin!
We all come from one place on the island of Nusa Ina: the place where Pata Siwa Pata Lima, Ur Siw, Ur Lim and Uli Siwa Uli Lima originated. SIWA RIMA is our joint bond. SIWA RIMA makes us all brothers and sisters because we came from the womb of one mother: Nunusaku Nusa Ina. This makes us a nation.
Protect the motherland of the Moluccas as vigorously as possible. From North to South, from East to West. With your love and care, take care of our homeland, of Nusa, of the Moluccan Nation.